Happy Birthday Mohan Babu

March 19, 2013 - 02:30 AM IST

Today is the birthday of Mohan Babu, one of the most versatile actors in Telugu. Mohan Babu's original name is Manchu Bhakthavatsalam Naidu. His father was a school head master and Mohan Babu worked as Physical Instructor for few years too. Later his heart led him to Chennai to pursue a career in cinema industry. After facing so many hardships, he got his first break with ?Swargam Narakam?, in 1975. Dr. Dasari Narayana Rao changed his name from Baktavatsalam Naidu to Mohan Babu and Dasari from then had become god father for the actor.

Till today, Mohan Babu had acted in more than 500 plus movies and successfully produced several movies. Currently his children are also pursuing their careers in acting and production. Mohan Babu's father Narayana Swamy Naidu recently breathed his last and due to that the actor had decided to not to celebrate Birthday this year.

iQlikMovies.com team wishes the actor a very healthy and prosperous Birthday!