Revanth, the son of 'Sri Rama Rajyam' producer, Yalamanchili Sai Babu is all set to make his debut with 'Intinta Annamaya'. Veteran director Raghavender Rao is wielding megaphone for this project. Interestingly, this is not the first Raghavender Rao introducing a new comer. He had introduced several stars like Allu Arjun, Mahesh Babu and from then there is no looking back for them. Revanth's father, the producer of the movie is expecting nothing less than that.
Sanam Shetty will be pairing up with Revanth in this movie which is touted to be a musical entertainer. MM Keeravani is composing the music. The audio release of the movie will take place today in Vishakapatnam. The makers are planning to release the movie this summer.