Andhra Pradesh State government has announced the National film awards for the year 2011. Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachchan was awarded the NTR National award. Veteran actor Kaikala Satyanarayana is honored with prestigious Raghupathi Venkayya National award. Senior Producer Aadi Seshagiri rao was given Nagireddy Chakrapani National award. Veteran director Shyam Benegal is honored with BN Reddy National award.
Tammareddy Bhardwaj, M.Balayya and KC Sekhar Babu are the jury members. These awards will be presented along with Nandi awards for this Ugadi. NTR National award winner will get 5 Lakhs and the remaining awardees will be given 2 Lakhs each along with the memento and appreciation letter.