Mega Power Star Ram Charan had finished shooting for the interval fight of his upcoming movie, Yevadu. The shooting had been going on for the last few days in rain effect at Bhoot Bungalow, Jubilee Hills. Charan had completed the shoot and flew back to Mumbai to begin a new schedule of his Bollywood debut movie, Zanjeer. He will be back again in Hyderabad on his Birthday (March 27th). He will be releasing the first look teasers of his Yevadu and Toofan (Telugu version of Zanjeer).
In a recent interview, Ram Charan revealed that both Yevadu and Zanjeer (Toofan in Telugu) will be releasing with few weeks gap. Yevadu will be releasing in the month of June and the makers of Zanjeer are yet to reveal their release plans.
Zanjeer which released in 1973 ended the struggling period for Amitabh and turned him into a rising star. Zanjeer, thus remains an important film in the history of Indian Cinema and is regarded as a classic today. After these many years, the movie is being remade with Ram Charan in the lead role.