Hero Siddharth never maintains good terms with the media. During the release of his ‘180’ movie, the media even went on boycotting the actor due to his nasty comments on them. Later, Dil Raju, the producer of Siddharth's next movie, ‘Oh My Friend’ stepped in and pacified them. Recently, there were rumours that Siddharth and Samantha are looking at each other and the media houses (Not iQlikMovies.com) started predicting their love and marriage.
Speaking about his marriage plans to a National Newspaper, Siddharth made some unwanted comments on media again, he said, I am ready for it. I hope to have a family with children and am hoping it happens soon. I have been written about with a lot of women. I have chosen not to respond. My family does not read gossip rags and what’s in the paper today is the packing for a pakoda tomorrow. You can attribute a quote to a person without even meeting him. The inverted comma is being molested beyond identity.
Let’s wait for the after effects of this statement!