Yes readers, ace director S.S. Rajamouli’s much talked and ambitious proeject ‘Baahubali’ is all set to roll camera. The movie will start its shooting from July 6th and this update has been confirmed by Rajamouli himself. Interestingly this date happens to be the release day of his ‘Eega’. “Exactly one year after the release of eega we are starting the shooting of Baahubali on July 6th…:) (If rains permit) Rearing to go!,” tweeted Jakkanna in his micro blogging account. Also there were rumors that the movie will be shot in IMAX format, but Rajamouli zeroed all the speculations and it won’t come up with 3D technology. Rajamouli also stated that they will be using digital cameras for the first time. The first schedule will be shot for a week, in different outdoor locations in and around Hyderabad.