Rajamouli, who is on high after releasing the making video of his directorial venture Baahubali starring Prabhas and Anushka, has now congratulated the team of Attarintiki Daredi on his micro blogging site. As per the latest reports it is known that Attarintiki Daredi film has broken the All-Time record set by Rajamouli’s Magadheera in 2009.
The series of tweets by Rajamouli:
“#ADcrossesMD!! Congratulations to the whole team for the new IH status. and congrats to PSPK fans too..:) When Shyamprasadreddy garu said the capacity if a good Telugu film is 100crs 5 yrs back, we thot he was joking. Now #AD is going to make it a reality.. Historic moment not just for team AD, but for the entire Telugu film Industry. But the threat of piracy still looms large. We all know the numbers would have Been even bigger, if not for piracy. A superhit film might not get severely affected by it but all other films gets a heavy blow.