Tamil super star Vikram has been busy with director Shankar’s dream project “Manoharudu” from the last couple of years and hasn’t seen the release yet. As the film is nearing its completion and gearing up for a July 2014 release, Vikram is getting ready for his next film.
As per the sources, Vikram has recently given a nod to the powerful subject narrated by his favorite director Dharani [directed Pawan Kalyan's Bangaram movie] and Rascal is the tentative title for this film. Dharani and Vikram's combination will be the most awaited as they've given two back to back blockbusters in the past named Dhil [remade into Telugu as Sri Ram] & Dhool [remade into Telugu asVeede].
As of now, beautiful Hansika has been finalized as the lead actress in Vikram and Dharani's Rascal movie and the film might have its regular shoot from the month of June 2014.