Kotha Janta, the much anticipated film of the young Allu Hero who is longing to open his 'hit account' is continuing on its postpone lines. Adding to its existing list of postponements, the audio launch of the film that was initially scheduled today i.e., 5th April has been postponed.
The unavailability of Stylish star Allu Arjun for the event is touted to be the reason behind the postponement. The audio release is temporarily re-scheduled to 12th April.
This JB [Jeevan Babu) musical is being directed by Maruti is expected to offer a promising audio album, especially the much hyped Atu Amalapuram... remix is carrying huge expectations. Unlike Maruthi's previous films, this youthful entertainer is believed to be an out and out comercial entertainer. Hopefully, it comes out on the re-scheduled date...touch wood!