Producers Live Only On TRPs?

May 28, 2015 - 08:37 PM IST

Once you become a film producer, the biggest realization or should we say sentiment will strike to you that if your Grahacharam is good only then film will run. But with passing time, the scenario has changed. From that mindset, it has moved to a situation where Tollywood has become a star driven industry.

And now even that situation is no longer in vogue. From a star driven industry it has come to satellite driven industry. Due to that, many small budget movies have come hoping they could recover their investment through satellite. But now even that is not there and it is only revenue sharing.

The TV channels are offering a revenue sharing model based on which the producers get their money. So, it is not just the channels but also the producers of the small budget flicks who have to depend only on the TRPs. If this is the situation now, one has to wonder what the future is going to be like for the small film producers.