Elite Catering Orders For 'Kitchen Of Kuchipudi'

February 23, 2016 - 04:30 PM IST Love Cycle 

The famous saying ‘The Way To A Man’s Heart Is Through His Stomach’ holds good for the men but when you have foodies around, all it needs is the right taste and quality. Hyderabad is one city which is filled with foodies and if you make good food, you become a huge success.

One person who has shined brilliantly in this field is noted director Kuchipudi Venkat. His food joint namely ‘Kitchen Of Kuchipudi’ has become the sought after destination for many food lovers. They say that the special items, specialty dishes and Kuchipudi Venkat’s signature style do the magic.

Reports reveal Venkat is getting a lot of orders not just for the regular home delivery services but also for the traditional catering purpose. That way, he is rocking and due credit goes to his efforts in the kitchen wherein he loves to experiment and come up with delicious recipes.