EVV's Formula In Bollywood

February 23, 2016 - 09:44 AM IST

Eight out of ten among you would say that your most favorite genre is comedy and it must be said that the quality of filmmakers must be attributed to this mindset. Some of the iconic filmmakers we are glad to have are Jandhyala, K Viswanath, Vamsy in the bygone era.

In the modern times, EVV Satyanarayana was given that credence because of the way he churned out comedy scripts. One such film from him was Jambalakadi Pamba wherein men become like women and vice versa. Now, the same formula has been imported in Bollywood.

This is in the Bollywood flick Ki & Ka featuring the young lad Arjun Kapoor and the hot begum Kareena Kapoor. The very concept of a husband doing household chores and wife doing job at office has struck a chord with the north Indian crowds but let us hope they know it came from the stable of Tollywood.