RGV's Online Erotic Treat Date Fixed

April 14, 2016 - 10:16 AM IST Ram Gopal Varma 

It is just the click of a mouse that can take you to a world of adult entertainment and various forms of sexual treats. But among them, there is always that special preference for erotic stories and flicks. And if it is coming from the stable of a well known filmmaker, the attention span is obviously higher.

On May 6th when the summer season is at its peak, the temperature will see further rise and the reason for that is one man. He is none other than the eccentric genius Ram Gopal Varma and his new project. Well, RGV is coming up with his first ever erotic internet film on his YouTube Channel.

It is called as Single X and in the recent past, he came up with few stills and some extremely bold captions. This can be viewed on the RGV Talkies YouTube channel and this is yet another attempt from this maverick to break the silver screen regulations of the censor board. Get set for this one then.