The suicide of Bollywood actress Jiah Khan happened in mysterious circumstances and shook the whole country. Her mother Rabiya alleged that it was Jiah’s boyfriend Sooraj Pancholi who is responsible for her daughter’s death.
Later, Jiah Khan’s suicide note came out which revealed even more information about her relationship with Sooraj. Now, rape and murder charges are put against Sooraj because he is alleged to rape her and also become a reason for her miscarriage. Their lawyer Ms.Hire framed the charges for the same.
The special judge AS Shinde is in charge of this case and will hear the arguments on May 20 . However, Sooraj Pancholi’s lawyer Prashanth Patil continues to maintain that there is no plausible evidence for the allegation to be proved right.
Looking like the most controversial death of Jiah is making more twists and turns as days pass by!
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