Popular Tamil Hero R Sarath Kumar has been hitting headlines from a while for all the wrong reasons. Initially, it was the Nadigar Sangham Election Controversy and the subsequent debacle. And now it is the upcoming Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections.
Going into the details, a special squad of the Election Commission (appointed to stop illegal cash & liquor distribution to voters during elections) seized an unaccounted amount of Rs 9 lakhs from Sarath Kumar’s car at Sahapuram village, Tiruchendur Assembly constituency [As per the EC rules, carrying of unaccounted money during election time is prohibited and against to law].
Well we know Sarath Kumar, the president of All India Samathuva Makkal Katchi (AISMK) is now contesting in the upcoming assembly elections with the support of the ruling AIADMK. Due to the latest incident, he has now become the laughing stock in the political circles. If insider reports are to be believed, Sarath Kumar is the first prominent politician who has been caught carrying unaccounted cash since the EC’s code of conduct came into effect this season.
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