The talented Kollywood actor Jayam Ravi got a biggest breakthrough in his career thanks to the amazing action thriller Thani Oruvan which released last year. The film took him to new heights in terms of performance, poise and perfection! Thani Oruvan became such a sensation that it is being remade in Telugu with Ram Charan in the lead as Dhruva.
Coming to the news, Jayam Ravi is going to hit the crucial milestone of 25 films inhis acting career soon and his brother- director Mohan Raja announced that the project will be none other than sequel to Thani Oruvan!
However, few film folks are expressing their doubt on this decision because the sequel trend has been backfiring in south Indian films off late. Mohan Raja better has a perfect reason for such challenging decision and he has already proved his worth with this flick!
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