A lot of groundwork is happening for megastar Chiranjeevi’s comeback venture tentatively titled as Kaththilantodu. While the shooting is scheduled to commence soon with a fight sequence, certain departments such as cast and crew are yet to be filled. But here is the big news for the mega fans.
It is heard that the national award winning director Thota Tharani has been roped in for megastar’s movie. Already, the brilliant cinematographer Ratnavelu is offering the visuals. At the moment, the music sittings are said to be on with rock star Devi Sri Prasad composing the tunes.
Many feel that the inclusion of Thota Tharani in this movie has elevated the movie’s brand quotient because he is known for some exceptional sets. While the technicians look set, what remains to be seen is who is going to be the leading lady for Chiru. This announcement will also come out soon.
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