We have heard of celebrities like Shah Rukh Khan being insulted through unwanted checking at airports especially in the US. However, here is a case where a legendary music composer like Ilaiyaraja was insulted in Bengaluru Airport itself.
Going into the details, Ilaiyaraja and family who has been on a pilgrimage to Mangalore recently was returning to Chennai when the Bengaluru Airport security officials spotted prasadam in Ilaiyaraja’s hand and subjected him to extensive checking. Ilaiyaraja initially tried to explain and reason out but in vain which led to a heated argument between Ilaiyaraja & family. Higher Security authorities at the airport who learned of the mishap came down, apologized to the revered music composer and later helped him board his Chennai flight.
Incidents like these happen offshore because the airport security might be genuinely not aware of the celebrity or due to over enthusiasm as well. But what happened to Ilaiyaraja has seriously offended him, his family and even his fans.
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