The one film which has become a hot topic of discussion across India is Udta Punjab owing to its battle with censor board. The board had suggested 90 cuts in the movie. While the fight is on, there are also those who are actually trying to understand what exactly is the whole issue about and why this rift.
While the surface is all about the cuts and censor board’s point that too many cuss words are used, here is the inside reason. The film deals with the drug menace in Punjab and today, the state is totally poisoned with drugs. A large amount of population especially those between 25-40 years are addicted to drugs there.
Few surveys have revealed alarming statistics as well and despite all this, the Badal government has not done anything about it. Now, Punjab is heading to elections next year and the government fears this film can backlash their chances of retaining power. Already, Aam Aadmi Party is trying to wave its flag there. Hence, the issue is not just about the regulations of the censor board but there is also a deep rooted political undercurrent to it.
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