The news of a writer named Vallipi Ravindra attacking Darsakaratna Raghavendra Rao has spread like wildfire in all media circles. The event became quite sensational because the writer had the audacity to enter the director’s house and when he was Raghavendra Rao going out in car, he tried to attack on the car by using abusive words.
When the watchman tried to intervene, the writer didn’t succumb. He went past the watchman and tried to drag Raghavendra Rao out of the car. When a troubled Raghavendra Rao asked what was the person’s problem, he said that the story of Sri Ramadasu which was made into a movie was penned by himself.
The writer alleged that the story of Sri Ramadasu was penned by him back in 2003 itself and sent to the director but the makers of the film didn’t even offer him writing credits. Instead, JK Bharavi- a close associate of Raghavendra Rao was credited as the writer.
Ravindra entered the house with a rod and vandalized the house with his aggression and anger. Ultimately, Banjara Hills police arrived in the scene and arrested the writer.
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