Megastar Chiranjeevi has many fans both inside and outside the film industry. He is rather known as the most affable, caring and encouraging person in the industry.
However one young hero saw the other side of Chiranjeevi and even fell victim to his anger once. Going into story (flash back), few years ago young hero Sundeep Kishan went to see an ad film shoot of Chiranjeevi. As expected the sets were crowded and everyone was eagerly watching the magical star perform in the shot. On the other hand, Megastar Chiranjeevi was struggling to concentrate and the reason behind it was Sundeep Kishan. The young chap was standing right opposite to Chiru while performing the take and was laughing unintentionally disturbing the Megastar. Obnoxious Chiranjeevi yelled at Sundeep Kishan ordering him to get out of that place.
However after completing the shot, Chiru personally spoke to Sundeep and explained the reason behind his anger thereby teaching him the importance of concentration during the take. Well none other than Sundeep Kishan shared the experience in a recent interview and described it as the most embarrassment yet memorable moment in his life – sweet isn’t it?
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