Cute Actress Most Loved By Men

June 24, 2016 - 08:25 AM IST Rojulu Marayi 

As a hero you are termed as successful not when you win the hearts of the masses and youth but of the ladies. Those heroes who have female following can be rest assured their movies will click at the box office without a hiccup. Similarly, the same applies to the young heroines.

If they have the following of the men they are bound to draw huge crowds to theatres. While top league heroines automatically have that following, it is not that easy for the tier two actresses. However, one starlet is adored and most loved by the men.

Her name is Tejaswi Madivada and they say that she is not only cute but she has that innocent sex appeal which is a rare find. Now, Tejaswi is going to unleash her wild side by donning a bikini in her new movie Rojulu Marayi. This is certainly going to explode her male fan base.

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