With the ongoing hungama surrounding Rajnikanth’s Kabali release, some rumors surrounding the hero’s health has been surrounding the Social Media. Now, Rajni is in trouble in another manner with a cheating case being filed on his wife.
The bitter experiences of legal cases filed on his wife regarding Lingaa and Kocchadaiyan itself have been troubling Rajni. Now Supreme Court sent notices to Rajni’s wife regarding the rights of Kocchadaiyan as per the petition filed Ad Bureau Advertising Private Limited.
The organization alleged that Latha Rajnikanth cheated the organization regarding the same and expecting a reply. Bangalore city police also issued FIR on Latha Rajnikanth but the star couple didn’t reply till date. Legal troubles like this are usual for a big film’s release but this doesn’t look like a serious influence for Kabali’s release.
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