Fans have been waiting for Superstar Rajinikanth’s Kabali movie from a long while now. Kabali movie release has been postponed for nearly three times now and when the makers hinted that it will release in the first week of July, Thalaiva fans were the happiest beings on this planet.
However, they were left heartbroken by the postponement of Kabali release once again. Well the good news is finally out and Kabali is releasing worldwide on the 22nd of this July. Producer Kalaipuli S Thanu confirmed the same a while ago. Unlike other gangster flicks, Pa. Ranjinth directorial Kabali movie censor report is a clean ‘U’ which makes it a clean entertainer and the run time is 152mins (2hr 32mins) which pretty much indicates that it is a clean and crisp Rajini mark entertainer.
Now keep aside the teaser/trailer records and wait for the records and wonders the Superstar is all set to make on the silver screen. #Kabalidaa
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