Women Organizations Encouraging Controversial Scenes

August 12, 2016 - 07:04 PM IST Love Cycle 

Being part of a nonprofit organization usually calls for fighting for your cause and creating that awareness in society. However, the whole purpose is served only when you fight for a sensible cause and not search for situations to garner attention.

At least that seems to be the opinion coming from the common people after looking at how few women organizations create major chaos regarding few scenes in movies. By doing so, they are encouraging more controversial scenes to come in the future.

Point is, if they don’t involve then nobody would even know and the scenes would be forgotten in no time. But by making noise to show their presence and protect their identity they are escalating the issue and giving undue importance to a trivial scene. Taking this as the cue, few moviemakers deliberately put a scene or two because they will get free publicity thanks to the women organizations. That way, these ladies are making unwanted things popular with their over enthusiasm.