Heroine Tired Of Ghosts!

July 12, 2017 - 05:03 PM IST

The moment you see a ghost you either black out, scream in fear or simply run away without looking back but can you imagine someone saying they are tired of seeing and working with ghosts? Well, one heroine has made her thoughts very explicit.

She is none other than Poorna who is also known as Junior Asin. She is the perfect package of immense acting talent and irresistible sex appeal. However, for some reason Poorna has been seen in ghost movies most of the times and the pretty girl has given her best at all times.

Recently Poorna shared her thoughts where she reportedly made it clear that she is tired of doing ghost movies and is eager to do something different. The final touch is, Poorna would soon be seen in another horror treat Rakshasi so let us wish she finds other opportunities and we get to see a different Poorna.