Surprise Twist In Anando Brahma?

August 17, 2017 - 10:27 AM IST Taapsee | Anando Brahma 

Once you start watching the pre-release promotions and the first look of the film you start making your own judgment. But there are those times when few movies come up with a very different flavour of promotion and end up becoming something else onscreen.

It is known that a new movie Anando Brahma is preparing to take the litmus test at the box office. This has the highly talented Srinivas Reddy in the lead along with the milky thigh beauty Taapsee. This is touted to be a horror treat with slices of entertainment.

Here comes the interesting part, all are thinking it would be very spooky and give you restless nights for the next three to four days. However, it is heard that there is a surprise twist in the movie which is filled with humor and this is one of its kind ever attempted. Best of success to the entire team!

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