Irony Of The Film Gulf

December 30, 2017 - 08:30 AM IST Love Cycle 

Every now and then you would have noticed us writing about the movie ‘Gulf’ and the film garnered special attention because it revolves around the woes of Indians in the Gulf region. This is helmed by Sunil Kumar Reddy who is known for his hard-hitting and message oriented movies.

Given the core focus of the film and the target audience, you would expect the film to be released significantly in the Gulf region as the Indian audience there would connect to it strongly. However, here is the ironical and rather unfortunate update. The film was released in many places but it has not released in Gulf.

While that is one shock here is another one. The reason for the film getting barred from release is the news that in the film one Arab Sheikh is shown as a villain. While this does sound trivial, it appears the only option for Sunil would be to remove those parts and release it or else the whole purpose of the film would be lost.