Janasena Chief Pawan Kalyan was juggling with both the movies and politics until today came up with an interesting thing today. Pawan Kalyan who operated Janasena party inconsistently till today is to start it afresh. He is to concentrate totally on the political build of Janasena Party hereon. A while ago, Pawan Kalyan took his Twitter to announce this.
On a humble note, Pawan Kalyan announced the start of his political journey. He is to begin his journey into the politics from Kondagattu Anjaneya Swamy Temple in Andhra Pradesh. I was saved by the miracle of Swamy Anjaneya, when a mishap took place during the elections campaign of PRP in the year 2009, he said, Jansena Party's journey starts from here with the blessings of the God and with the acceptence from all the religions, he continued.
Bless me! Pawan Kalyan tweeted. Janasena is to start prepping up and strengthen the party before the next general elections. Pawan Kalyan also assured that he would announce the principles of Janasena Party, along with its agenda, directives and relared things. Let us hope for a change.