Janasena Chief Pawan Kalyan who is currently busy touting in Telangana areas seems to have distracted some of the politicians. Starting from Kondagattu, Pawan began his political tour in Telangana. This has become a hot topic for discussion amongst the Telangana politicians now.
Actress Vijayashanthi(Congress) who turned into a politician commented regarding this tour. Vijayashanthi who was earlier suspended from TRS party slammed Cheif Minister KCR. In this frame of context, she made comments about Janasena Chief Pawan Kalyan too. She questioned the Chief Minister KCR about the comments he earlier made about Pawan Kalyan.
How did Mr. KCR permit Pawan Kalyan to tour in Telangana now? He once commented that Pawan Kalyan is a come-and-go tourist in Telangana. Seems like KCR has given him a visa now. Why did our CM fail to permit JAC leaders and other activists? Vijayashanthi questioned.