Woes Of A Film Lyricist

March 09, 2018 - 01:01 PM IST Awe 

The cinema industry is all about glamour and glitz but beneath that halo lies a world which is full of struggle, corruption, manipulation and what not. A majority of them tend to be opportunistic and to those who are soft and obedient they are the most exploited. Something like that has been happening with one lyricist and he finally came out with an outburst.

He is called as Sataghni and he is a budding lyricist who writes for very small movies. As such, remuneration issues would be there between medium and high budget movies but at the end of the day, the payment is made. However, the very small movies have different issues. They are finding it very tough to give remunerations.

Only mid range and top range movies really fetch money. Sataghni came up with a set of statements in Telugu revealing his heartburn and how people use you for their need and then take it easy when it comes to payment. This post is now getting a lot of support from all those who are getting exploited in a similar manner.