Film Chamber Meeting On Gossip Sites

March 13, 2018 - 12:30 PM IST Tholi Prema 

There has been a long-standing love-hate relationship between the Tollywood circuit and the many websites that come up with film-related articles and gossips. In the recent past it has been noticed that few websites came up with some gossips which were practically rumors but then the celebs mentioned took them seriously.

In lieu of that, the Movie Artists Association (MAA) convened a meeting at the Film Chamber and the topic was gossip sites and how to deal with them. Incidentally, it is one year since the new board of members has been formed and many felt a concrete decision would be taken on these gossip sites.

However, inside news reveals the meeting didn’t have any discussion regarding the gossip sites. Their area of focus was more on the recap of one year since the association came. The discussion was more on the many things they achieved and a promise that they would continue doing better than before. In the end, everyone distributed sweet packets amongst themselves and left.