Here comes the directorial debut of Rahul Ravindran. Titled as Chi La Sow, Sushanth and Ruhani Sharma starrer this movie is touted to be a comedy entertainer with a feel-good love story. Rahul Ravindran who came into limelight with the movie Andala Rakshasi has come up with direction for the first time, and the hopes are pinned on it.
The teaser of Chi La Sow starts off with Sushanth Aka Arjun getting frustrated. Being forced to get married, Sushanth doesn't want to get hitched soon. Shown in a comical way, we see the struggle of this bachelor trying to cope up with everyone's continuous rants to get married soon.
Arjun is a fan of Salman and believes in Lord Hanuman. Both are bachelors and he wants to be like them unlike the ones beside him. The constant nagging makes him get frustrated and hence his life difficult until a girl enters his life. The teaser hints the emotional blackmail of parents to get their children married. It seems like a fun-filled movie is underway.
Good luck Rahul Ravindran and team!!
ALSO READ: Chi La Sow Official Teaser