One of the hottest and latest sensations in the Tollywood circuit right now is hot stud Vijay Deverakonda. The way he created a storm with his performance in the movie ‘Arjun Reddy’ has catapulted him into stardom and now he has reached a phase wherein he has to cement his position and sustain the success.
As part of that, Vijay has decided to go for a makeover in his dialogue delivery and body language. This is going to be for his new movie ‘Dear Comrade’ which is being helmed by a debutante Bharat Kamma. It is heard that Vijay is going to be seen mouthing out dialogues in hardcore Kakinada accent so this is a complete U-turn.
Though the title sounds intense and radical, it is heard that the story is quite soft as it is a love story and Vijay is pairing up with Rashmika Mandanna in this one. Prior to that, Vijay also has ‘Mahanati’ which is hitting the screens tomorrow along with his unusual thriller ‘Taxiwala’. Let us see how this new avatar of his will be.