Media Listens To Tammareddy's Holy Words?

June 26, 2018 - 11:30 AM IST Love Cycle 

The film industry is filled with people who are outright diplomatic and when situation demands, they would not even hesitate to be brutal and abusive. The element of truth is always covered but there are always exceptions. One man who is known to mince no words and speak his heart out has been Tammareddy Bharadwaja.

From many years, he has been part of many panel discussions and crucial meetings related to the industry. Recently he also came out with a Youtube channel wherein he has been sharing his thoughts on various issues. This time, it has to do with the ongoing sex scandal in Chicago and the way this has caused a fatal damage.

Cine celebrities are being seen like a piece of plaything which you use when you feel like and leave it. Reacting to this, Tammareddy came down heavily on YouTube channels and all those cheap artistes who want to gain mileage by targeting the popular ones. He has reminded them to think of the families of those being targeted. Hope these words get registered into the thick skulls.