Why Sri Reddy Deleted That Post?

June 28, 2018 - 06:00 PM IST Love Cycle 

It has been quite a while since Sri Reddy has been sidelined by the electronic media but the momentum from her has not reduced, thanks to social media. She has been coming up with posts on her Facebook account and giving interviews whenever asked by the web channels. This time, Sri Reddy did something which caught the attention of many.

Apparently, Sri Reddy mentioned that she trusts her sister a lot. She had posted one thing and then deleted it after a while. As such, she didn’t reveal which post but after scrolling down, one post came up which raised eyebrows. It had to do with the Chicago sex racket and Sri Reddy’s reactions. She has given a big list of actresses names in that.

Though she didn’t point out directly, her indirect references were clearly citing she was linking those names to the Chicago sex racket participants. Realizing that she will become enemy for all those actresses, Sri Reddy deleted that post. She has reportedly stated that her sister advised her to do that. However, the post is already circulating among the Aam Janta.