Sex Scandal: Associations Playing Dirty Game

June 29, 2018 - 05:10 PM IST Sammohanam 

The concentration of Indians in the USA is quite high and there is no doubt that the Telugus stand first in the quantity. For some reason, they are obsessed with America and it must be said that many among them have reached great heights. However, just like a typical Indian nature, the Telugu folks got split on caste grounds and formed their respective associations.

Now, their silent wars have come into the open thanks to the sex scandal in Chicago. Reports are arriving that TANA and NATS are fighting against each other. Apparently, one audio file is making rounds wherein one female voice touted as an artist mentioned about the sex scandal and started abusing other association.

This is the ploy of one association who has created this audio file and is circulating this to tarnish the image of the other association. They got a voice recorder and doing this cheap stuff. Now, the other association is also doing another audio file to counter this. Well, instead of being calm and letting the law take its course, all the ‘too intelligent’ brains are involving and making it a dirty mess. What a shame!