Secret Of Murali Mohan's Youthful Look

July 12, 2018 - 08:30 AM IST Love Cycle 

Mankind has reached great heights of development in terms of technology and science but it is miles behind overcoming one thing, the law of Nature. Even a simple rain in the city has the power to turn life upside down for many and yet we cannot do anything about it. Another biggest challenge is ageing and that’s a big one for celebrities.

Many actors and actresses move heaven and earth to look young and fresh but overcoming age related symptoms is tough. Despite all that, one man has been a mystery. He is none other than actor cum real estate tycoon cum politician Murali Mohan. All are wondering what his lifestyle is, diet is, what is his exercise.

This is because he looks very young. So, we did a bit of snooping around and here’s what we found. Apparently, Murali Mohan’s father lived healthily for 96 years and his mom celebrated her 100th birthday recently. That way, his gene code is very strong, old age signs are not starting till they touch 85 and that is why he is looking like he is in his 50s or 60s. That’s the secret folks!