'Shiva' Editor Living On Footpath?

July 16, 2018 - 06:30 PM IST Shiva 

There are many films that come but among them only a handful stand out as trendsetters and game changers. In that, there are those one or two films who set a new era in history of cinema. One such movie was ‘Shiva’ which redefined the essence of filmmaking in Telugu industry and even today it is a cult masterpiece for many.

Given that, you can imagine the kind of stature and prosperity the people involved should be having. However, that has not been the case with one man who played a key role in ‘Shiva’. He is Sattibabu, the editor. At a time when sound and crisp cuts were unknown, Sattibabu created a revolution with his editing and that’s what made ‘Shiva’ what it is.

Sadly, Sattibabu’s name has gone into oblivion and the man himself was found living on the footpath. It was the courtesy of an initiative taken up by the program ‘Diksuchi’ that he got located and something is being done to put Sattibabu’s life into a track. This only goes to show that talent will be used by the cine folks but that glory is temporary.