Tejaswi Getting Protection From Elimination?

July 19, 2018 - 03:21 PM IST

We have already reported regarding the list of those inmates who are in the elimination zone for this week and top among them is Tejaswi Madivada. While many are opining that this weekend her name would be announced by Bigg Boss and she will pack her bags, a very interesting and unexpected update has now arrived.

Inside news is that certain measures are being taken to ensure Tejaswi is kept inside the house and steps be implemented so that the negativity on her comes down. The reason being, she has been the main cause why the spice is occurring in the show and this is helping in good TVRs for the show organizers.

Tejaswi has been quite controversial right from the start and she has become an expert in getting onto the nerves of the other participants. It is this stuff which brings the much required drama and masala. It is also true that almost half the inmates of the house are rather conscious of their outside image and are not willing to be bold. Well, this weekend will reveal the truth.