Sri Reddy Out, Poonam In?

July 23, 2018 - 04:43 PM IST

Few months ago when the Sri Reddy issue was quite hot the only focus of the entire media was on that actress. During that time, even the noted actress Poonam Kaur came up with her share of tweets and posts which was targeting some biggie in the Telugu Film Industry. Cut to the present, Sri Reddy has been completely sidelined.

However, it appears her place seems to be slowly getting filled by Poonam albeit in a mild manner. Unlike Sri Reddy who was quite nasty and over aggressive, Poonam has been coming up with statements every now and then which are creating some controversial feeling. As such, she has not come out with anything specific.

Those who are following Poonam and her activities say she might be successful at the start but if she doesn’t really substantiate her statements the credibility would be lost. For now Poonam is being seen in the TV serial ‘Swarna Khadgam’ so let us wish this changes the tide in her favor and she gets some notable projects. Or else, some feel Poonam might end up taking Sri Reddy’s place.