Warnings To Big Hero

July 24, 2018 - 07:30 AM IST

You might want to do something out of good intent and resolve an issue but when the person you are dealing with has got very outrageous personality, you might end up getting dragged in the quagmire. This has been the fundamental for many who have tried to reason with Sri Reddy. She retaliated in the most unexpected way possible.

As a result, few warnings and cautions are now going to the sharp eyed Tamil star Karthi. Till date, Karthi and his brother, the supremely talented Suriya, have maintained clean slates in the industry and they have stood as perfect examples for thorough gentlemen. However, with Sri Reddy landing in Chennai and attacking Kollywood folks Karthi got into the picture.

He has reportedly asked Sri Reddy to come with proper evidence she took to her Facebook and came down with her piece of mind to Karthi. In this process, reports from Chennai reveal some well wishers are advising Karthi to handle this with care because meddling with Sri Reddy will only bring her more attention. Let us see how he would take things going forward.