Another Film Actor Turning Politician?

July 25, 2018 - 10:10 AM IST

Just being a film star makes you a role model to the society in India and anything that you say and do is taken strongly by the people here. Given that, you can imagine the impact it would create when you start doing activities outside your profession and make a difference in the society. There are few stars who believe in doing that.

Top in that list is the supremely talented Suriya. He has been in charity acts and noble initiatives since long and has established the ‘Agaram’ Foundation years ago. While he has been doing so much, a new observation has risen. Some are saying with this kind of public service mindset it would be a cakewalk should Suriya decide to enter politics.

Few reports from Chennai reveal all this is the groundwork being done by Suriya for getting into politics eventually. However, those who are close to the star and know him personally quash this as a baseless rumour citing Suriya does these activities only with a intent for public service and no ulterior motive of becoming a politico. Only time will reveal the truth.