Biopic On RGV Getting Ready?

July 30, 2018 - 12:00 PM IST Ram Gopal Varma | Rx 100 

With his debut flick ‘RX 100’ Ajay Bhupathi has proved that he is one director who has strong potential and promise. Incidentally, he also happens to be the protégé of the eccentric Ram Gopal Varma. After many years, one follower of RGV has scored a hit which is also a matter of pride for RGV and his camp.

However, here is the interesting part. Recently Ajay was sharing his thoughts in an interview when he reportedly said “There is no great technician than RGV in India and at the same time, there is no wretched a person as RGV. I will also come up with a biopic on RGV to substantiate the statement I have made.”

Given this statement and the confidence with which Ajay said it, everyone is convinced he is indeed going to come up with a biopic on his Guru. If that happens it would become one of the most controversial and in a way tragic biopic of the recent times. Wonder what the man himself Mr RGV has to say to all this.