Struggles Of Rich Dad's Son

August 03, 2018 - 07:44 PM IST Nithiin 

You might hail from a very wealthy family and you might have a lot of influence and muscle power but if fate decides to play a game with you, there is nothing you can do except becoming the victim. You tend to find such examples in good quantity in the cinema industry and one latest example to that is youth star Nithiin.

As a hero, Nithiin has all the credentials and he also has a branded presence among the tier two stars. Despite all this he has been struggling to produce consistency in his success. Once he scores a hit, this is normally followed by two or three flops and then he gets back with a hit. This kind of inconsistency is not really helping his career.

As such, Nithiin’s father Sudhakar Reddy is a powerful distributor so the positioning of his films can also be done as per the best market conditions. Yet, Nithiin has been struggling to make his mark. Many feel he needs a wise mentor who is non-biased and guides the hero with the right kind of scripts and content. Good luck to that Nithiin!