Bunny's Shocking Side Revealed!

August 08, 2018 - 08:30 AM IST Allu Arjun 

As they keep growing in their careers and attain stardom, the heroes tend to become distant and even friends who used to hobnob from a long time start feeling a little unsure. While it is expected for them to be a bit reserved and unapproachable sometimes it tends to hurt the regular admirers. And they are thrilled when the hero is warm and affectionate.

Stylish star Allu Arjun had this reputation of being the friendliest and most approachable at one point. However, in recent times he has become quite reserved and there have been instances when folks felt bad on him being cold. Whether that is true or not, here is one shocking side of Bunny which not many, he has a heart that cares.

Apparently, Bunny has been involving in many noble initiatives but then he doesn’t make noise about it. It was only recently when star comedian Ali revealed an incident onstage that many got to know about what Bunny does but sources close to him reveal he is quite a bit into charity and believes in making a difference to the society. Way to go Bunny!