Eye Surgery For Pawan Kalyan

August 24, 2018 - 11:18 AM IST Pawan Kalyan 

After earning the stature of a celebrity, every single thing you do becomes a news or a headline. And if you are someone like power star Pawan Kalyan who has some crazy following among the public, even if he coughs it becomes breaking news. This time, Pawan has underwent something which needed to be focused upon.

Well, Pawan has undergone an eye surgery and it is known that he was suffering with some eye infection since quite a while. This is the second time the surgery is happening and this took place at the Center For Sight Eye Hospital. There are also reports that Pawan has been asked to take complete rest till the end of this month.

It is known that Pawan has been touring a lot of places in the state of Andhra Pradesh and he has been building the base for his political party Janasena. With speculations getting strong that there could be early elections, the pressure is going to be mounted on Pawan. For now, Pawan fans are happy that the surgery went successful and they are awaiting his speedy recovery.