Akshay Kumar After Jackie Chan

August 31, 2018 - 07:08 PM IST Robo 2 0 

There are many star celebrities in the world of entertainment and among them the international celebrities have a special standing. Speaking about the stars in the Indian cinema, they have become quite popular among the Desis who live abroad but for someone to get fan following among the international audience is not easy.

In that, stars who indulge in action sequences and earn the tag of action stars have a very special regard. At an international level, after the immortal Bruce Lee, it is only Jackie Chan who has earned that stature and recognition. Now, another name is being touted as someone next to Jackie when it comes to action quotient, remuneration and brand value.

He is none other than the charming star of Bollywood Akshay Kumar. Right from the start of his career, Akshay has been doing his own stunts without body double and he still continues. At the same time, his success graph has been very consistent and he has risen to an international level. With his negative role in ‘2.0’ the trade analysts are expecting Akshay would reach the next level.