Seniors Firing On MAA President And GS

September 05, 2018 - 06:32 PM IST Love Cycle 

A very embarrassing situation is currently prevailing in the Telugu Film Industry right now thanks to the ugly fight between the Movie Artistes Association (MAA) president Sivaji Raja and its General Secretary Naresh. Both of them have been coming up with several allegations of siphoning money and other forms of mudslinging.

Meanwhile, the matter has reached the ears of everyone including those seniors who were office bearers of the same entity previously. They are now breathing fire on both Sivaji and Naresh. Sharing their thoughts, the seniors are saying “They have made a mockery of MAA by stooping to such cheap fighting.”

They add “All it needed was cool thinking and the issues should have been handled amicably within closed doors amidst the presence of few biggies. Instead, rushing to the media at the very first opportunity and trying to show their upper hand over each other is washing dirty linen in public. It is such a shame to see two matured men like Sivaji and Naresh behaving like this.”