#MeToo Mania Among Working Women

October 14, 2018 - 12:30 PM IST Love Cycle 

The incidents involving women at work and the way they have been harassed either sexually or some other way have been happening since a while. Of course, the magnitude and to what percentage it is happening is something nobody knows but as of now, the ladies are ruling the roost in all aspects.

The empowerment they have attained in the last two decades is immense and slowly it is also becoming a tool for a few to convert this as something to show their upper hand and domination. Those who are in the corporate world would be able to relate to it in a big way and here is some stuff coming from there.

It is not coming out in news but in IT companies also a lot of ‘#MeToo’ thing has started and unfortunately for the men, all it takes is just one written complaint from a female employee about harassment and he would be asked to put down his papers without any verification. Well, the mania sure seems to be working for the working women.